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Regular price $16.98
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Psycho is part of the Ennio Morricone Themes series, a unique collection of the greatest scores 'The Maestro' composed for movies over the past 70 years, divided into different themes.Starting 70 years ago as an arranger for the piece Mamma Bianca, Ennio Morricone is the emperor of scores and soundtracks. Morricone has always been a huge influence for the likes of Hans Zimmer, Danger Mouse, Muse, Metallica and many more artists. He's one of the most successful composers of all-time, selling over 70 million records and winning dozens of awards. Psycho is dedicated to Morricone's work with Italian directors spanning the late 1960's up to the 1980's. These scores accompany some darkly dramatic films, some veering into the realms of horror. The music highlights the psychological tension within the films and contrasts with his work in the United States during the same era. This is Morricone where he feels truly at home, working with the nuances and drama of the Italian psyche as laid bare by Italian film makers. Psycho is available as a limited edition of 1500 individually numbered copies on 'Black Clouds' colored vinyl. The package includes a 4-page insert with liner notes written by Claudio Fuiano.

Track List:

1.1 1. Second Nebula /a Nebulosa seconda - From The Secret / Il Segreto
1.2 2. A Quiet Place In The Country (Suite) / Un Tranquillo Posto Di Capagna (Suite) - From A Quiet Place In The Country / Un Tranquillo Posto Di Campagna
1.3 3. Before The Revelation / Prima Della Rivelazione - From Devil In The Brain / Il Diavolo Nel Cervello
1.4 1. The Infernal Trio / Il Trio Infernale - From The Infernal Trio / Il Trio Infernale
1.5 2. Percussivamente - From Forbidden Photos Of A Lady Above Suspicion / Le Foto Proibite Di Una Signora Perbene
1.6 3. Copkiller (Symphony Of A City / Sinfonia Di Una Citta) - From Copkiller
1.7 4. Murder On The Lake / Assassinio Sul Lago - From Night Flight From Moscow /Il Serpente
2.1 1. Frazione - From Sonic Dimensions / Dimensioni Sonore
2.2 2. The CityMoves / La Citta' Si Muove - From Atame! Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! / Legami
2.3 3. Thousand Times A Cry / Mille Volte Un Grido - From Violent City / Citta' Violenta
2.4 4. Musica Per 11 Violini - From A Quiet Place In The Country / Un Tranquillo Posto Di Campagna
2.5 1. The Scalpel / Il Bisturi - From The Short Night Of Glass Dolls / La Corta Notte Delle Bambole Di Vetro
2.6 2. She Has Come From The Sea / Venuta Dal Mare - From The Survivors / Ecco Homo - I Sopravvissuti

Label: Music on Vinyl
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